COVID 19 - Guidance Note GN-01 Infection Control

20 Mar 2020 by Janise Wood in: Latest UCA News

21st March 2020


Synod have released documents on infection control for your information.

Please click on the link to download "Guidance note infection control" here

and "Protocols for the control of the spread of COVID 19" here

I am also providing you with some links to pages on the Synod and Assembly websites, which in each case offer a series of links to resources which can be utilised for “doing church differently”, meeting online, or for emailing to members for their personal use.

Please look at these pages and make good use of the resources that our Synod and Assembly staff have gathered.

This page has “Tips for doing church online” as well as many resources, prayers, liturgies, and other suggestions
This page includes resources, prayers, and some helpful guides to Livestreaming on Facebook and to using ZOOM

This page lists Uniting Churches which are currently planning to livestream worship on Sunday

Please note also that the Synod is placing COVID-19 updates as they are produced on this webpage

Please keep in touch with our Presbytery staff about this important matter, and let me know if there is any way that we can be of assistance to you in the coming weeks.


Rev Dr John Squires

Presbytery Minister—Wellbeing

Canberra Region Presbytery

Uniting Church in Australia